Church & State Events
About Church & State
Church & State

The annual Church And State Summit started in February 2018 with the Hon John Anderson OAM (former deputy PM) as the keynote speaker. Every year the large line up of speakers is always of the highest calibre, earning a reputation for being one of Australia’s most significant conferences.

We’re sometimes asked, “What church group is organising this event?” The answer is, none.

Church And State is an independent, unaffiliated, non-denominational and non-partisan marketplace ministry. Everyone involved belongs to different local churches. Christians of all flavours and many political philosophies who simply agree that Jesus is Lord and the Bible is His Word come together to teach, preach and learn about the Kingdom of God in the public square.

Church & State Events

Church & State Events show

The convenor of Church And State Ministries is Christian commentator & political educator, Dave Pellowe. Since 2017 he’s interviewed everyone from Pauline Hanson to Nigel Farage and academics to abortionists about a wide range of important public issues affecting the neighbours we’re called to love practically. Dave’s articles have been published in The Spectator Australia, Quadrant Online, Caldron Pool, Eternity News and others internationally. He also preaches in and/or hosts Church And State regional events partnering with groups of local churches around Australia, teaching faithful stewardship of our God-given political freedom in a way that promotes the unity and harmony of the Body and the Gospel of Christ.

The mission of Church And State Ministries is to help Christians first be better informed about the Biblical basis for political involvement and to then be better involved in providing the imprimatur for justice and wisdom in government. Our vision is that Christians in every electorate would resolve to take the simple political steps within everyone’s ability to proactively influence culture, motivated by obedience to Christ and love of neighbour.

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